Free Audio Recorder records audio from any sources on your computer such as sound card, CD player, microphone, line-in device etc.
Weeny Free Audio Recorder FAQs:
Q: Is this program free?
A: Yes, Weeny Free Audio Recorder is absolutely 100% free and you need to pay nothing.
Q: Why can't it record audio from my microphone?
A: Make sure your microphone works well. If your microphone has never worked, or it stopped working, first check the physical connection of the microphone. Verify that it is firmly plugged into the microphone port instead of the headphone or speaker port. If you are not sure which port is correct, you can check the sound card to see if it is marked (sometimes with a picture of a microphone), you can use a process of elimination, check the documentation that came with your hardware, or contact the hardware manufacturer.
Make sure your recording settings are correct. You need to select "Microphone" from the source devices list on the Options window.
Make sure you didn't mute Microphone. Click "Start" - "Accessories" - "Entertainment"- "Volume Control" to open Volume Control. Click menu "Options" - "Properties"- "Recording" to check it.
Q: Some recordings have a noticeable crackly sound, how to fix it?
A: Please make sure that recording volume has been set an appropriate value. Do not set the volume too high. High recording volume may cause noise. You'd better do some test recording to adjust the volume to appropriate value.
Q: Can I set hotkey?
A: Yes, click "Hotkey" on Options window, then select combination keys for start, pause and stop buttons.
Q: How can I edit audio ID3?
A: You can use our Free Audio Converter software to edit your audio ID3 information.
Q: I have more questions, who should I write to?
A: Please send your additional questions to